
Say Goodbye to Mascara with Eyelash Tinting

Eyelash tinting is a popular approach to ridding yourself of a need for mascara. The procedure tints the colors of your eyelashes for dramatic results. Though worthless for women with natural black lashes, it does wonders for blondes and redheads who are sick of their pale lashes.
Most eyelash tints are made from vegetable dyes, which make them safe and relatively gentle for sensitive skin. The durability of the tint can change from person to person. Because eyelashes are constantly growing, shedding and re-growing, there is no single standard time span for durability. However, due to natural growth, and fading due to cleansing and sun, many spas recommend having your eyelashes done once a month.
Pros of Eyelash Tinting
Eyelash tinting works wonders for women who are too busy to put on mascara everyday. It also works wonders for sport's enthusiasts. The tint doesn't run or clump because or sweat or water, making it perfectly safe to swim or jog while still having dark lashes. Tinting is also perfectly safe for people who wear contact lenses.
Cons of Eyelash Tinting
Eyelash tinting is not safe for people with extreme allergies or who are experiencing an eye infection. It will not lengthen or thicken your lashes the way mascara will, the tint only changes the color. If you already have extremely dark eyelashes, eyelash tinting isn't for you.
Professional vs. At-Home
There are two ways to go about getting your eyelashes tinted, professionally or with an at-home kit. However, at-home kits are rather messy and somewhat hazardous. It's easy to mess up with an at-home kit, and that mistake is going to be displayed rather obviously on your face.
It's doesn't cost that much more than an at-home kit to have a professional do your eyelash tinting, and the results are worth the small investment. Depending on your exact area, professional eyelash tinting runs only $10 to $40 for a session.

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