
Solutions for Thinning Lashes

These words are simply stupendous as you can hardly pay a richer tribute to your eyes than this! Indeed, your eyes are capable of performing many significant functions. A beautiful pair of eyes is a rare boon and all of us yearn to possess them.

Eye Problems Show Up As You Age

Women especially spend fortunes to make their eyes look good and youthful. Sometimes, you might be forced to face certain eye problems due to aging. For example, you might begin to feel that your eyebrows and eyelashes are losing their strength and are becoming thinner too. This is a natural process and you don't have to unnecessarily worry about it. There are creams like Circles Be Gone that provide an effective and long-standing solution for problems like dark circles and puffiness that affect the beauty of your eyes.

Causes Of Thinning Eyelashes

Before proceeding to analyze the range of solutions to answer your problems, it will be worthwhile to sift through the causes for thinning eyelashes:

In most of the cases, thinning eyelashes are caused by natural factors like aging which weakens hair follicles and makes them brittle. They lose their strength and are easily broken.

In some cases, thinning eyelashes occur as a result of poor diet and maintenance of eyes and the nearby areas. Nutritional deficiencies can also be another cause for thinning eyelashes.
The thickness and length of your eyelashes is also determined by heredity. Hormonal disturbances and stress can affect growth of your eyelashes.
External factors such as hypothyroidism, eye surgery, continuous exposure to chemicals and toxins, etc. can also have detrimental effect on your eyelashes.
Another common cause of thinning eyelashes is prolonged usage of eye makeup, which may lead to certain types of allergies.
Even an involuntary habit of pulling the hairs of your eyelashes can deplete their length and thickness.

More Analysis Of Thinning Eyelashes-Treatment Options

Thinning eyelashes can be the beginning symptoms of a condition called alopecia areata. It is always advisable to consult an eye doctor and seek remedies for this. Nevertheless, there are cosmetic or topical preparations available in the market that claim to provide permanent solutions to thinning eyelashes. To soothe you, constant research is being undertaken by companies to develop suitable products to give you permanent relief.

Folligen cream and Emu oil are combined to combat thinning eyelashes. Within a couple of months, you can feel the difference in your eyelashes. Wondering how? Folligen has the ability to improve vitality of hair follicles and Emu oil is reported to activate 80% of dormant hair follicles and make them grow.

A product of Jan Marini Skin Research-- Age Intervention Eyelash-is claimed to enhance the appearance of eyelashes. This product is mascara that can be used to make your eyelashes appear thicker, longer, and lusher.
You can opt to have false eyelashes fitted, but they are observed to be too heavy and can cause discomfort to you. They might irritate your sensitive skin.
The most common and preferred treatment for thinning eyelashes is a continued application of mascara. You need to take care of a few points while applying mascara. The focus should always be on the base of your eyelashes. You should apply it evenly, without putting too much on the tips of the eyelashes. Mascara is highly sought after by older women to add more glitter to their eyes. The contour of the eyes gets a facelift by a proper application of mascara.

Mascara-Do's And Don'ts

Talking of mascara, some women are troubled by running or smudging caused by excessive water content in mascara. To avoid this, some companies add chemical solvents to absorb excess of water. But, you need to be wary while using such a product as it will make your eyelashes dry and weak, thus increasing the risk of thinning it further. If you are already worried about thinning eyelashes, then choosing the right mascara and deciding the appropriate duration of application can be a Herculean task for you!

Leading Brands In Mascara

Keeping in mind the drawbacks of mascara, there are products developed by companies like Beauty Naturals Ltd.:

Palladio Herbal Mascara --This product is a unique blend of natural waxes that aid in strengthening and thickening your eyelashes the other ingredients like herbs help tone them up. This product comes in a unique package suitable for special users like contact lens users.

Herbal Thickening Mascara-this mascara is produced to cater to your problems like thinning eyelashes. It comprises ingredients that moisturize, condition, and thicken your thin eyelashes as it contains mostly natural substances only like rice wax, chamomile flower extract, green tea leaf extract, beeswax, etc.

Herbal Lengthening Mascara-similar to the previous product, this mascara is intended to build the length and thickness of your thin eyelashes. Other than the above-mentioned ingredients, this contains acacia Senegal gum, vitamin E, xanthum gum, etc.

Additionally, making sure that your eyes themselves, look good is important as it will draw attention away from your thinning lashes. When your eyes look good people are drawn to them and will not even notice that your lashes may be thin.

Consult your eye doctor to get permanent solutions for thinning eyelashes.

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