
Beefs & Bouquets

A big bouquet to all who helped out with our first ever Lake Run at Empire Days for the Pregnancy Care Centre. thanks to Quality Foods who donated water bottles and granola bars for all the participants. thanks to WalMart, Canadian Tire, Caffe Amantes, Salon Vivre, Comox Rec. Centre, and the individuals who donated draw prizes for the participants. And big thanks to those who volunteered and participated and made this such a successful event. Hope to see you all there again next year!
Many days of continual sunshine to the pretty girl in the red beetle convertible with the eyelashes on her car front lights. Your car is truly cute & seeing you driving around the Valley always brings a smile to my face.
Sending sunny skies to the following community-minded businesses, organizations, and individuals for their support of the recent two-day Substance Use Awareness event at G.P. Vanier: Community Drug Strategy Committee/City of Courtenay, District Parent Advisory Committee (DPAC), the John Howard Society of North Island, and G.P. Vanier Secondary for funding the two-day event. Food and door prizes were donated by Superstore, Walmart, Quality Foods (Comox), Mudsharks, Dominos, Panago, little Caesars, Boston Pizza, Hot Chocolates, Zen zero, Zocalo Cafe, Applebees, Ski Tak Hut, London Drugs, Courtenay Recreational Association, Comox Valley Sports and Aquatic Centre, and the Linc Youth Centre. thank you to the organizers: Laura Commins (G.P. Vanier) and Wendy Morin (John Howard Society of North Island). thank you to the volunteers/workshop presenters: Sebastien Bracconier, Miranda Blomquist, Serena Rotter, Shannon Pickering, Conch Konschuh, Madeline Gallard, Nicole Schoonover, Kaitlyn Ryan, Jasmine Jefferies, Alanna Kirinic, Tamara Fernandez, Janine Buckley, Karla Lasota, MIke Day, Gerhard gross, and Cora Pullin (who came out of retirement to help!).
Thank You, thank you, thank you. we would like to thank all those who supported our recent two day Conclave on May 6th and 7th. we had almost 200 people, representing 20 different communities from Vancouver Island and the Mainland. It was your kindness that helped make us a great success and allowed us to do the Comox Valley proud. Special thanks to the Honorable Don McRae; City of Courtenay; Town of Comox ; Village of Cumberland; Sue Medley and Barry Donaldson; Bank of Montreal; Chances Courtenay; Fanny Bay’s Natural Glacial Waters; G. McWilliams/ Robert H Ash; Monarch Lions; Quality Foods; Square 1 Travel; Walmart – your donations were greatly appreciated.
Big bouquets to Applebees Restaurant for donating 15% of every bill on Wednesdays for the month of May to the local Handicapped Olympics – a job well done. They have proven themselves a valuable corporation interested in local causes. and they have great TV’s for watching the hockey games too.
Fragrant bouquets to Del Rio Beauty School located across from the Driftwood Mall. They showed total professionalism from the time I entered until I left AND with a very good haircut that I have received compliments for. I recommend them highly and as a senior was pleased with the price too.
Bouquets to the City of Courtenay for trying to help the homeless. However as a homeless person I may have a better solution than they have come up with. since it will cost $480,000 per person over 10 years, computing to $4,000 per month per person I would like to volunteer to help the City avoid the controversy over the cost of land, building and housing by volunteering to accept $4,000 per month without them providing a home, meals etc. I am sure I can find acceptable accommodation and food for that price and if I can convince my homeless husband to accept the generous $4,000 per month too our problems are solved AND in addition I will do my best to find 8 more homeless volunteers and “Bob’s your uncle” – no need to buy or build anything!!
A Bouquet of sprinkler heads to the Regional district board (and the 5 appointed board members from Courtenay/Comox) for installing water meters in the Marsden /Camco area and keeping them out of Comox and Courtenay. When Comox and Courtenay use twice as much water per household than us and pay less than half of what we pay for water this makes perfect sense. With a 30 year pay back in water savings in the Marsden/Camco area and only a short 13 year pay back in water savings in the Courtenay/Comox area I can see why they don`t want them in Courtenay/Comox where they would get real water saving results. So another year of green lawns to you and your citizens and keep up the good work of keeping this out of your City and Town because you control the Regional board and know none of you would get re-elected if you pushed water meters on the citizens you are suppose to represent. we are all hooked up to the Comox Lake Water Supply and should all be treated equally and pay the same for our water. And NO mr. Grieve we are not happy about this so stop telling anybody that will listen that we are!!
A huge bouquet of kittens, ninjas, rainbows, and toast with butter and brown sugar to the friendly staff in the Nintendo section of Future Shop! My three sisters and I had a BLAST testing out the new Nintendo 3DS! I almost passed out; that’s how happy I was! One of the kind staff (I forget his name) opened up the box, let us use the AR cards, and the 3D was breathtaking! Friendly staff member who did this for us, THANK YOU!
Beefs to the regional district, developer of the Kincora Ridge subdivision and the various provincial ministries involved in that development. It’s time everyone got together and came up with a solution for the folks downstream who are getting flooded out of their homes. It’s easy to pass the buck, but responsible authorities should take the right track, put their heads together and fix the problem once and for all.
Lots of spring flowers to the Cumberland Marching Band.You were awesome at the May Day Parade. Your parents should be proud of all of you. also a special thank you to the Cumberland Legion Br. 28 for sponsoring these students.
Thank you to the “Yarn Bomber(s)” that have been decorating the Valley with their handmade skirts for garbage cans and light posts, cozy sweaters for trees and rocks. I smile every time I see your work. My 2-year-old niece knows what Yarn Bombing is and loves to find them. please keep doing your random acts of knitting and crocheting.
The Comox Valley Montessori Society (CVMS) would like to extend a rousing thank you to all the local businesses who generously made donations to the silent auction in our 1st annual High Tea fundraiser on May 15th; your support made this event a huge success and ensures the ongoing choice of Montessori schooling to children in the Comox Valley. Our applause list very much includes all the wonderful bakers and service volunteers, all the devoted parents on the event committee, Queneesh Elementary’s dedicated Staff, the wonderful Pamela Tessmann, who’s lilting voice serenaded us for the afternoon, and of course the adorable and courteous children who inspired us all by serving dainty treats, demonstrating educational tools, or graciously welcoming our guests. Finally, we would not have raised over $4,700 were it not for our sensational and open hearted guests – thank you!
To the morons that ripped the large branches off the trees around the play area at Simms park last weekend, you need to grow up and do something constructed with your life. Hopefully those trees won’t die from the damage you did. Karma will get you
Hip Hip Hurray! Comox Valley has a marching band! Congratulations! Wishing you all the best and many happy parades.
I am 11 years old. Me and some other kids from our school -Aspen Park – went fishing on May 30 at the Courtenay Fish And Game Club. we all just wanted to say thank-you to all the people who helped us there today. So, thank-you everybody that helped us today, we really enjoyed fishing. – Aspen Park and Ben.
A big thank you to the person who found my wallet in the Superstore parking lot on Friday May 27th and turned it into the store. May it be payed forward to you for your honesty and thoughtfulness. May your summer be filled with much sunshine and pleasant days.
To the residents who live near the intersection of Macaulay and Tammy roads at Black Creek. if you are the owners of a German shepherd and a white poodle-type dog in the area, be aware that those two dogs were seen chasing deer east across Macaulay Road at 7:00 pm on Monday, May 30th. please take responsibility for your dogs and keep them confined. the deer, and your dogs, run a huge risk of being hit and maimed, or killed, on that busy road. also, allowing your dogs to chase deer is illegal.
Sunny days to all the people and businesses that made Courtenay Elementary School’s Track and Field Jamboree a huge success. Special thanks to, Starbucks, Quality Foods, Thrifty’s, Zellers, Safeway, Wal-Mart, and all the volunteers who came out to help run the concession. A big thank you to Mrs Bailey for always supporting all our endeavours to help Courtenay Elementary students!
Double Bonus Points to Quality Foods on the celebration of their 29th Anniversary. Thank-you for the Customer Appreciation Days specials and BBQ. Well done.
BEEF to Mayor Phelps. It is an outrage that the City of Courtenay is holding our children back over a permit. the Ministry of Education has allotted Valley View Elementary school a brand new modular specifically designed to accommodate full time kindergarten in a very full school. we are counting on you to bring this to the table and find a way to make things happen. please do not let our youngest members of the community suffer over the stand off between the School District and the Council.
BOUQUET to the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce re: Shelter on Cliffe. Finally, someone is listening to those of us that provide funding for these projects, the long suffering, over burdened taxpayer. Local politicians blithely turn a deaf ear to those of us who have expressed our valid concerns over the location of this shelter. Many of us have written to express our trepidation on approaching the shopping area there. I myself, a pensioner, have been downright afraid to visit the CIBC, and Shoppers. Seldom can I go near without being accosted, even harassed for money. Why should I find other locations? These businesses are convenient to me and provide excellent service. I resent having to run a gauntlet of panhandlers just to go about my errands. Self-righteous politicians need to listen to those who actually come up with the bucks instead of conveniently forgetting, once elected. So what else is new.
Rules of the road or basic etiquette, drivers should practice MERGING on the Dyke Road going towards 17th street bridge, where two lanes reduce to one lane. often drivers will madly race ahead and squeeze in two or three at a time – no no no – it should be “every-second-car”, i.e. traffic should merge. City planners please get on this and put up a MERGE sign before there is a traffic accident. … a considerate driver

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