
Small Eyes Make-Up: Make Them Beautiful

H’m … if you are reading this post, you consider your eyes to be small. Let’s see if you are right in your estimates. You may qualify your eyes as small if the eyes seem small in comparison with other facial characteristic. So, do not be in a hurry while making conclusion about your eyes. Do not mix up small eyes with deep-set ones. You can easily do this due to your character traits – you do not like to flash.

In general, people with small eyes are rather happy with themselves; they live in their own world and do not tend to overestimate the importance of appearance in their life. As a rule, people with small eyes are true friends. They are punctual, but sometimes they can overrate their abilities.

Artists and experts in different fields often have small eyes. People with small eyes have firm beliefs and it’s not that easy to win their favor. Still, if someone managed to cozy up to you, he/she will get a friend in need. If to talk about women with small eyes, they tend to be very jealous. May be, this happens because, subconsciously, such women realize that they lack the advantages other women have. Thus, they should try to meet a lack making their eyes beautiful. Be sure – this is your way to success. Beautiful eyes will help you in inter-personal communication – a good make-up will attract people’s attention to your talents which will give you more and more opportunities in future. So, do not sit by dejected. The small eyes make-up ideas below will work miracles with your eyes – the eyes will shine like stars.

Small Eyes Make-Up Idea # 1. Try to uplift your eyebrows. Eyebrows line should be thin, high and soft. This will visually widen the space between your eyes. Highlight under eyebrows should be very light, with pale gleam.

Small Eyes Make-Up Idea # 2. Use the lightest shadows of bright colors – light green, light blue, or blue-grey. Put the shadows on the eyelid up to folds – thus your eyelid will reflect the light and, therefore, will be more attractive. Centered highlight will also attract the light.

Small Eyes Make-Up Idea # 3. Contour shadows should not be very bright – start to draw the line on the superior eyelid fold raising it as high as possible above the eyelid to uplift the eye itself. Do this even if you have to contact superciliary arch.

Small Eyes Make-Up Idea # 4. Eye liner should also greaten your eyes. Soft bright colors are more effective for small eyes make-up than subdue, neutral ones. Make sure all shadows are in one range of colors, and then your eyes will become more expressive.

Small Eyes Make-Up Idea # 5. Try to create an effect of round eyes – put your shadows as a blot or use eye liner to underline inferior eyelid.

Small Eyes Make-Up Idea # 6. Do not try to greaten your eyes with the help of black eye liner – thus you will “shut” them completely. Use light eye liner. Draw the line a bit beyond the tails of your eyes. But do not make heavy weather of it.

People with small eyes tend to see everything around in the light of their own world; therefore, they easily achieve perfection in small things as opposed to those working on “large canvas”. I hope, the small eyes make-up ideas above will help you attain perfection in everything.

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