As for me, I don’t think it’s a myth, since I have tried castor oil and it did make my lashes fuller and longer. On the other hand, I should say that oil for eyelash growth works differently from person to person, and lots of my friends did not find oil for eyelash growth helpful indeed.
So, how can we know whether oil for eyelash growth works or not? As far as I know, there are no scientific evidences that castor oil makes your lashes or hair grow. Castor oil is just about our observations, some peculiarities of our bodies and organisms. This is exactly why oil for eyelash growth works for different people differently.
By the way, let me tell you something about components of oil for eyelash growth. Castor bean is something that castor oil comes from. And this castor bean is the same bean that ricin – one of the most dangerous poisons – comes from. Very small amounts of ricin can kill a human being, it is considered to be the same poisonous substance as cobra venom.
It definitely doesn’t mean that oil for eyelash growth is a kind of poison that can do harm to your eyes. However, I know cases when oil for eyelash growth caused some eye infections. On the other hand, I heard that castor oil is about some anti-inflammatory effects and is used as the main ingredient in some eye ointments.
So, I guess there is the only way to check the effectiveness of oil for eyelash growth. You have to try oil for eyelash growth and draw your own conclusions.
Cartor oil is really good in enhancing eyelashes. Glad to find your post.
Aliya of Eyelash Growth